
Get Creative with Clown Face Paint: Types, Supplies & How-To

Updated at 10-02-2023 · Beauty · Art

Clown makeup is a type of theatrical makeup that is used by performers to enhance their character and bring their personality to life. It typically includes bright colors, exaggerated features, and playful designs that reflect the performer's unique personality.

Brief History of Clown Makeup

Clown makeup has a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome, where performers used makeup to express their characters. Throughout the centuries, clowns have continued to evolve their looks, experimenting with new techniques and styles to create unique and captivating performances.

Importance of Clown Makeup in Clown Performance

Clown makeup is not just about making a clown look silly or funny. It is an important part of the performance that helps the clown create a persona, establish a connection with the audience, and convey a message. With the right makeup, a clown can express emotions, convey a story, and bring their character to life.

Types of Clown Makeup

Traditional Clown Makeup

Traditional clown makeup is the classic look that most people associate with clowns. It typically features a white base, red cheeks, red nose, and black eyes and mouth. This style is simple and straightforward, making it a great choice for beginner clowns.

Traditional Clown Makeup

Creepy Clown Makeup

Creepy clown makeup is a more recent trend that emerged in the horror genre. It features dark, sinister, and unsettling elements, such as heavy eye makeup, sharp teeth, and twisted expressions. This style is perfect for those who want to create a more frightening or unsettling atmosphere.

Creepy Clown Makeup

Colorful Clown Makeup

Colorful clown makeup takes the traditional clown look to the next level with bright and bold colors, intricate designs, and playful details. This style is perfect for those who want to stand out and make a statement with their clown makeup.

Colorfulj Clown Makeup

Supplies and Tools

Essential items for clown makeup

To create a clown look, you'll need a few essential items, including:

  • Foundation or face paint in the desired color
  • Powder to set the makeup
  • Brushes for application
  • Makeup sponges for blending
  • Eye and lip liner in black
  • Red lipstick or face paint
  • Black eyeshadow

Recommended brands and products

When it comes to choosing makeup and supplies, quality is key. Here are some recommended brands and products to help you get started:

  • Ben Nye Clown White
  • Kryolan Aquacolor
  • Mehron Paradise Makeup AQ
  • Snazaroo Face Paint

Preparin skin for clown makeup

Step-by-Step Guide for Beginner-Friendly Clown Makeup

Preparing the skin

Before you start applying makeup, it's important to prepare your skin. Cleanse your face to remove any oils or dirt, and moisturize to create a smooth canvas. Wait a few minutes for the moisturizer to absorb before applying any makeup.

Creating a base

Start by applying a foundation or face paint in the desired color as a base. Use a brush or sponge to blend it evenly over your entire face, neck, and ears. Allow the base to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Adding colorful details

Next, it's time to add some color and detail to your look. Start with the cheeks and apply red lipstick or face paint in a circular motion. Use black eyeliner or eyeshadow to create a smile around your mouth and to outline your eyes. Finally, apply black eyeliner or eyeshadow to create eyebrows.

Final touches

The final touches include adding a red nose and any other details you desire, such as a beauty mark, whiskers, or glitter. To make your nose, use a red lipstick or face paint and apply it to the tip of your nose. You can also use a prosthetic nose or foam nose for a more dramatic effect.

Clown makeup

Tips and Tricks for Clown Makeup

Creating the perfect clown nose

Creating a perfect clown nose is key to any clown look. To make a round and defined nose, apply the red lipstick or face paint in a circular motion and blend it outwards. You can also use a prosthetic nose or foam nose for a more dramatic effect.

Applying makeup evenly

When applying clown makeup, it's important to make sure it is applied evenly. Use a makeup sponge or brush to blend out any harsh lines or uneven areas, and make sure to blend your makeup all the way to your neck and ears to create a seamless look.

Enhancing features with shading and highlighting

To add depth and dimension to your clown look, try using shading and highlighting techniques. Use darker colors to shade areas like the hollows of your cheeks or temples, and use lighter colors to highlight areas like the bridge of your nose or the tops of your cheekbones. This will help your makeup look more natural and three-dimensional.

Setting your makeup

Once your makeup is complete, it's important to set it so it lasts all day. Use a translucent powder to lightly dust over your entire face, making sure to blend well. This will help prevent smudging, fading, and creasing.


Clown makeup is a fun and creative way to express yourself and bring joy to others. Whether you prefer a classic look, a creepy twist, or a colorful explosion, the possibilities are endless. With the right supplies, tools, and a little bit of practice, you can create a clown look that is truly unique and unforgettable.

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