
When is Mango Season: The Ultimate Guide

Updated at 05-02-2023 · Gardening

Mangoes are often referred to as the "King of Fruits" due to their widespread popularity and delicious taste. Mango season, the time of the year when mangoes are at their sweetest and most abundant, is eagerly awaited by fruit lovers worldwide. In this guide, we'll explore when mango season takes place, the factors affecting it, popular mango varieties, tips for harvesting the sweetest fruit, and the health benefits of consuming mangoes.

Understanding Mango Season

Mango season varies from region to region, with different varieties of mangoes ripening at different times. The calendar for mango season can be influenced by a number of factors, including the type of mango, local climate, and altitude.

a. Mango Season Calendar

The exact dates for mango season can vary, but it typically starts in the late spring and continues through the summer months. In tropical regions, mango season can last all year round, while in temperate regions, it may only last a few weeks.

b. Factors Affecting Mango Season

The climate, altitude, and type of mango all play a role in determining when mango season takes place. For example, mangoes grown in areas with a warm, tropical climate will typically have a longer season than those grown in areas with a cooler climate.

Popular Mango Varieties

There are hundreds of different varieties of mangoes, each with its own unique flavor, texture, and appearance. Some popular mango varieties include the Alphonso, Kesar, and Chaunsa.

Mango Harvesting Tips

To ensure that you're getting the freshest, sweetest mangoes, it's important to know when and how to harvest them. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Wait until the mango is ripe before harvesting it
  • Give the mango a gentle squeeze to test for ripeness
  • Cut the mango from the tree, leaving a small portion of the stem attached

Benefits of Mango Fruit

In addition to its delicious taste, mangoes offer a wide range of health benefits. Some of the key benefits of consuming mangoes include:

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Improving digestion
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Supporting eye health


Mango season is a time to enjoy the sweet, juicy flavor of one of the world's most beloved fruits. Whether you're a fan of the classic Alphonso mango, or prefer the unique taste of the Kesar or Chaunsa variety, there's a mango out there for everyone. With a little bit of knowledge about mango season, the best varieties to try, and tips for harvesting the freshest fruit, you can make the most of this delicious time of year. So get ready to indulge in the king of fruits and all its health benefits during mango season!

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